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Women in Economics at University of Toronto

Mission statement: Our primary goals are to build a sense of community and belonging among women in economics at the University of Toronto and to foster a more inclusive learning and working environment.  In doing so, we hope to address the leaky pipeline of women into academia and the economics profession.

Our initiatives: We invite faculty members to meetings with PhD students to learn from our role models within the discipline; we introduce WE @ UofT during MA and PhD student orientation; we hold workshops for MA students interested in pursuing a PhD; we organize alumni events to expand our network and share experiences; and we hold summer research seminars for graduate students to present work-in-progress.

Some Facts and a Figure:

  • At about one third, the share of women entering PhD programs has not increased in the past 20 years (Lundberg & Stearns, 2019).
  • Although there is no differential attrition (Boustan & Langan, 2019), women are disproportionately likely to leave academia altogether after graduating or hold non-tenure track jobs (CSWEP 2018 Report).
  • See the “leaky pipeline” below: the fraction of women in the discipline decreases at each stage along the path from graduate school to full professor.
Source: 2018 Report of the Committee on the Status of Women in the Economics Profession